
Water miracle green roof: Natural rainwater harvesting in the city

In a world increasingly faced with the challenges of climate change and urbanization, green roofs offer an innovative solution for sustainable water management in cities. They are not only a visual highlight in the midst of gray cityscapes, but also play a crucial role in the natural use of rainwater.

Natural water storage

Green roofs act as natural water reservoirs. During a rainstorm, the plants and soil on the roof absorb much of the water. This phenomenon not only reduces the burden on urban wastewater systems, but also ensures a controlled release of stored water. This reduces the risk of flooding, an aspect that is becoming increasingly important given the increasing frequency of heavy rain events in cities.

Cooling and humidity

In addition to storing water, green roofs also contribute to natural cooling. The process of evapotranspiration – the release of water by plants – cools the air around the roof. This helps reduce so-called urban heat islands, areas in cities that are significantly warmer than their rural surroundings due to concrete and asphalt.

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12/19/2023, 09:30:18 AM


Green roofs


Biodiversity and habitat

Another benefit of green roofs is the creation of living spaces for city dwellers. They provide a refuge for insects, birds and other small animals, thereby contributing to the preservation of urban biodiversity. This is particularly important in urban areas where natural habitat is becoming increasingly scarce.

Economical advantages

Investing in a green roof also brings economic benefits. The insulation effect can save energy, resulting in lower heating and cooling costs. Additionally, the lifespan of the roof itself can be extended by protecting the roof membrane from extreme weather conditions.

Challenges and future prospects

Despite these advantages, green roofs face challenges, including high initial investment and the need for regular maintenance. Nevertheless, given the growing importance of sustainable urban development, green roofs are becoming increasingly popular.

Innovative technologies, such as lightweight substrates and self-watering systems, make green roof installation easier and more efficient. Cities around the world are beginning to recognize the importance of green roofs and are encouraging their use through subsidies and regulations.


Green roofs are more than just an aesthetic feature; they are a key element for a sustainable urban future. Through their ability to store and manage rainwater, they contribute significantly to reducing flood risks and improving the urban climate. As living ecosystems on roofs, they not only offer practical advantages, but are also a symbol of the harmonious integration of nature and urban space.

Project Korax